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Sunday, December 7, 2014

Put a little kindness in your life....

Have you heard about this little guy?
He (or one of his friends) has been making a daily appearance in our classroom.  The elf hides somewhere (so far not good enough to stay hidden!) each day and brings a kindness challenge for use.  Last week saw challenges such as "Say hello to 4 adults in the hallway" and "Smile at 10 people."  (Friday's was "Do a chore at home without being asked."  - did it happen? :-)

We've been getting really good at meeting the challenges.  The goal of the Kindness Elf is to spread good cheer and just general "niceness" in our classroom and beyond.  It is important for kids to know that being nice can take many forms - and can be contagious!

If you notice your child doing or saying something nice in these next few weeks, point it out!  Those positive words can go a long way towards keeping the kindness going!